Today's Draw: 10 on the Spiritual Level—Self Care—from The Game of You tarot. Is something or someone wearing you down right now? Are you the kind of person who takes care of everyone before you take care of yourself? Are you aware of the consequences of ignoring your own needs.

So tonight I go out with my advertising buddies and I'm stuffed full of caramelized pork, I've had a couple of pina coladas and I come home and just don't want to do this blog. And what card do I get? Self care.
I started doing this daily draw about a year ago on Facebook. I've only had the blog since the beginning of the year. As I've said before, I don't know why I do it, I just feel compelled. As it has progressed, I've put more and more time into it. I do it six days a week. So sometimes it takes more energy than I want to give. In addition, I've taken on reading tarot part-time. And I'm also writing a book. And this is all on top of managing my everyday business...the job that pays the bills.
I'm not complaining. I'm not doing this for anyone but me. I'm following a voice inside me that says this is what I need to be doing right now, so I'm doing it. I have faith it will lead somewhere good. But sometimes I just don't feel like coming up with something different, as I've been doing for maybe 300 days in a row now.
So tonight I got an easy one. Self care. Take care of yourself first, Tierney. It's like the whole oxygen mask on an airplane thing...put the mask on yourself first or you won't have enough oxygen to take care of anyone. I don't do this very well. I often marvel at how much better care I take of my dogs than I take of myself.
Somewhere in YOUR life, there's a similar situation. In some facet of your mental, spiritual, physical or emotional life, something is zapping you of energy and you need to take a day off. Just like in yesterday's entry about toxic relationships, you have to practice self care before illness or some other obstacle comes into your life to force it on you. Don't let it go that far. Being "selfish" in this way is the most giving thing you can do for others in your life.
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