Today's Draw Classic*: King of Pentacles from the Mythic Tarot (First Edition). Are you wishing for a financial windfall? Has it ever occurred to you that you may end up worse off with the money than without it? What is it that you really want?
The King of Pentacles follows the myth of King Midas. Midas won the favor of Dionysus, the Greek god of wine. So Dionysus granted Midas one wish. And, focused on material matters as any King of Pentacles would be, Midas wished that everything he touched would turn to gold.
His wish went into effect immediately and he started touching everything around him. His throne turned to gold. His table turned to gold. Then he touched a vase of flowers and they turned gold. Satisfied by his newfound power, he reached for his tankard of ale. But before he could raise it to his lips, that, too, turned to gold, along with its contents. He then grabbed a strawberry, which also turned to gold. Inconsolable at the reality of his wish, he sought a hug from his daughter, and she too turned to gold.
Midas' greatest wish had come true. He had all the gold in the world—a never-ending supply. But he could no longer eat, no longer feel human touch, not even feel the soft grass beneath his feet as that, too, alchemized at his touch. He knew he would die a sad, wealthy man. He cried for Dionysus and begged the God to relieve him of his wish. The gold meant nothing in the absence of the simple joys of life. Dionysus reversed the wish and its consequences.
So this King of Pentacles comes with a number of lessons. One is to be grateful for the riches you already have in life. Another echoes the Bible in that "the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil". And the third and most pointed lesson is to be careful what you ask just might get it.
As a tarot reader, I know that money is a huge concern these days. A lot of people ask about it in their readings. But is it the money people really want? Or do they actually want a genuine feeling of security? The distinction is key when asking the universe for what you want. Many a lottery winner will tell you that getting their wish created all sorts of relationship and financial issues. Some even end up putting themselves in irreparable debt. So be sure about what you really want. Unlike the fabled King Midas, it might be harder to get your wish reversed if its fulfillment doesn't turn out to be everything you'd hoped for.
*Taken from a post made on 9/12/11
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