Sunday, August 11, 2013

8/12/13—Pursuing Your Dreams

Today's Draw: The Fool in the Past Life position from the 1969 Tarot by Jane Rades and the Deck of 1000 Spreads. What have you been daydreaming about lately? Is it something you're likely to pursue? What would be the risk if you did? And what would be the risk if you didn't?

As regular readers know, this blog doesn't do tarot deck reviews or even really focus on tarot too often. It's all about personal and spiritual development and the tarot just guides me as to what to talk about from day to day. 

That said, today is a little different because I am digging the 1969 Tarot so much that I have to say some things about it. First of all, the deck was created in San Francisco in 1968-1969 when Rades was in her 20s and the world was in the midst of social revolution. The images reflect the times in that they show an understanding of traditional tarot, but a desire to speak its language in a fresh, unique voice. In 2010, she published her cards in an art book. But it wasn't until now that she's made the deck available as a deck. 

So down with those RWS sheep, man! Open your mind to to this non-traditional and utterly groovy deck! Take a look at some of the images and if you like the style, don't hesitate to buy it. I was so taken by this deck and the way she visually interpreted the images that I had to say something. The lwb, by the way, has odd but evocative interpretations. There's just a lot here to really sink your teeth into if you're someone who likes to see different takes on the tarot, as I do.

OK. Now on to the show. As you can see, this Fool is full of dreams and ideas. The lwb says, "standing on the edge of a dream, it's a long fall down." Which is brilliant. And it also says, "life looms varied and lovely" and "the third eye says hello". 

What I see is a haze of dreams. I know this haze well. I go there often. It's a place where you step out of time and space and go into the realm inside of your head, a beautiful and private place where anything is possible. And yes, it's a long fall back down into reality....if you let it be. But if you escape into this realm knowing it's just a temporary escape, it can just be a pleasant respite. And, without the shuddering thud of reality hitting you on the way down, it might even become something you actually do something about. 

Yesterday was a day like that for me. I've been daydreaming about getting a teardrop camper. They're those tiny, egg-shaped trailers that are basically a insulated metal tent that you cart around to campgrounds. They're small enough to be towed by a motorcycle or pathetically weak car like my PT Cruiser. Anyway, I just have this romantic notion about buying one of those and going to campgrounds with the dogs on weekends just to shake life up a little. 

The fall back down to reality, of course, is would I really use it? Or would I invest a lot of money into something that just looks cute sitting in my driveway? I really won't know until I take that leap from the dream into the reality. And that's what this Fool is all about. 

Fools in tarot are depicted so many ways. There's the guy who consciously leaps trusting the universe will guide him safely on the trip down. There's the guy who is probably going to walk off the side of the cliff unknowingly, despite the dog trying to warn him. He will be thrown into a new life, whether he wants it or not. And the leap in this card, to me, is about leaping out of the dream and into the reality and seeing how it works out. I mean, look at the stuff swirling around in her head. If this card isn't eerily relevant to my dream, I don't know what is. 

As for being in the past life position, it does make me wonder. I have certain urges from time to time that are kind of unlike me and kind of not. For example, I'm obsessed with tiny know, homes that are maybe 400-600 square feet. But I'm also a hoarder who really likes my stuff...haha. So that's a leap that I would only probably make as a vacation home, not as my permanent home. 

The case of the teardrop camper is similar. They're ridiculously small and require me to leave the home...haha. And I'm a sizeable person who is a homebody. But I also love nature. So would I do it for real or not? I don't know. But I'm captivated by thinking about it. So I wonder if this fascination with small...or this wanderlust of coming from something in a past life. I mean, I'm not someone who is really into traveling that much. But it seems more appealing if you put a teardrop trailer into the equation. 

Maybe there's a past-life me that loves to wander and live in small spaces that is begging to be satisfied. Or maybe it's that third eye of mine leading me toward something that would/could change my life (because it really could). Or maybe it's just a dream that comes crashing to earth when the reality sets in that I'll be paying off this camper for years and never use it. Because that could happen, too. Either way I choose, regret could be the outcome. But the only choice that leads to interesting adventures is the one where I get the teardrop trailer...haha. 

Anyway, it's interesting to consider the past life influence on this scenario. From this life, I could see possibly hesitating on personal dreams and then never living them in past lives. I've been good about pursuing my professional dreams in this life, but there are still some personal ones out there I hesitate on. I'm glad for the ones I've pursued, such as buying the house I live in and remaining unencumbered by marriage and children.  But maybe it's time to leap again. 

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