Friday, July 22, 2011

7/23/11-7/24/11—Finding Hope

Weekend Reading: The Star from the Prairie Tarot. Take heart. The Star comes to let you know that joy, love, healing and guidance is abundant in the universe. In fact, it's in inexhaustible supply. As the woman in the card pours her emotions into the healing waters, her pains are transformed into promise and hope. If you're hurting now, let it out. Write your feelings down. Share them with a friend. Be honest with yourself and others. As long as you hold your feelings in, you'll perpetuate your pain. But when you let them out and start dealing with reality of the release, the healing and hope can begin. Regardless of how you're feeling now, however, know that all is and will be well. The universe has always got your back, even when it doesn't look that way.

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