Weekend Reading: The High Priestess from the Evolution of Becoming, a Photo-Based Tarot Journey by Michelle Kelly. Here, the High Priestess peers behind the veil of what is seen or perceived by humans and peers into the light of truth. Hers is a world of instinct and intuition, not of reason and thought. She doesn't question her ability to interact with spirit, nor does she question her worthiness. She just "knows". This weekend, she wants you to look beyond appearances by looking inside, to your inner knowing. We've all been in situations where everything looked on the up-and-up, but something inside told us to walk away. And we stayed anyway. This weekend, listen to that voice.
And if you've been resonating with the messages we've been getting all week, let your intuition guide you there, too. We're so used to taking our cues from the people and events in our lives that's it's hard to even pinpoint and isolate the cues that come from within. But start listening anyway, even if you're not sure you're doing it right. Soon your path will be lighting up before you without even trying.
Today's card was chosen by the artist.
This beautiful Majors-only deck is still a work in progress and is currently in the funding phase at Kickstarter. You can fund this project, see more of the cards and secure a future copy of the deck here.
Michelle Kelly is a WV-based commercial photographer. You can view her portfolio here.
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