Draw Classic*: The Queen of Wands from the Joie de Vivre Tarot by Paulina
Cassidy. How big is your dream for yourself? How much do you believe in
yourself on a scale from 1-10, with 1 being not at all? What would it
take for you to dream bigger and believe harder?

Her name is Queen Zest and she feeds her garden with love and the warmth of her spirit. If you listen closely, you may hear her whisper in your ear, "believe in yourself".
a simple request, but so hard to do. We're such complicated creatures
made up of fears and baggage, all pointing us toward self doubt. But if
you look at it from a
different perspective, you'll see a lifetime of right turns and
successes. Sometimes we're so focused on what we don't have, that we
neglect to see all we do have.
way I see it, we're all divine beings. That includes your grumpy boss,
prisoners in jail and yes, even you. We were all borne from the higher
consciousness and all of us have taken on different agendas in our
lives. I don't know why some people have to struggle to find a job in
this economy or why my brother's children have to grow up without him. I
don't know why some mean people seem to skate through life and why some nice ones keep
getting bad breaks.
I'm certain of two things—one is that you're a child of God or the
universe or whatever you believe in. And the other is that whatever
you're going through is absolutely necessary to your mission here on
earth. You haven't made any mistakes or wrong turns. And you are
infinitely capable of rising above whatever it is that is holding you
down. All you have to do is accept and believe in your divine legacy.
for the doubters out there, I'm not telling a quadriplegic they can
become a professional football star. What I'm saying instead is that
they can rise above their limitations and achieve great things. The
internet is littered with stories of people who are bigger than their
limitations. And they got that way by refusing to believe their
challenges defined them or limited them. You and I don't have such
dramatic roadblocks to overcome. So what's our excuse?
recently spent some time with a friend who is a medium and he contacted
my parents. My mother communicated to me that I was bigger than my
current ambitions. I wouldn't normally see myself as someone who doubts
my abilities, but I see now where she was right. The universe's dream
for me is bigger than the dream I have for myself. And the same is true
for all of you.
This is a key principle that I also teach in manifestation classes. And since you can still use tonight's moons (though it just started waning) to manifest change in your life, I'll share this with you. Often when we pray for something or try to manifest something, we'll get very specific....I want a red Mustang with a sunroof and black leather seats. So that's what you get. And maybe the sunroof tends to leak. Or it makes the car hot. And when the car is hot, the seats can scald your skin. Well, it's what you asked for, right?
But if, instead, you ask for a red sports car that you love to drive, how can that fail? And maybe you'll get something you like WAY more than a Mustang. The universe has a bigger dream for you than you have for yourself. It wants to deliver big, but our desire to micromanage stifles the effort. I always encourage people to ask for a feeling rather than a thing, because, in the end, it's the feeling we want, not the thing.
This is a key principle that I also teach in manifestation classes. And since you can still use tonight's moons (though it just started waning) to manifest change in your life, I'll share this with you. Often when we pray for something or try to manifest something, we'll get very specific....I want a red Mustang with a sunroof and black leather seats. So that's what you get. And maybe the sunroof tends to leak. Or it makes the car hot. And when the car is hot, the seats can scald your skin. Well, it's what you asked for, right?
But if, instead, you ask for a red sports car that you love to drive, how can that fail? And maybe you'll get something you like WAY more than a Mustang. The universe has a bigger dream for you than you have for yourself. It wants to deliver big, but our desire to micromanage stifles the effort. I always encourage people to ask for a feeling rather than a thing, because, in the end, it's the feeling we want, not the thing.
this principle as you move through your day and see how much bigger you can make
your dream—or how much more feelings based. Then believe in yourself and move toward it, knowing you're
supported by a vast and loving universe.
*Today's post was adapted from, and expanded upon, one originally written last December.
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