2/24/11—Honoring Success
Today's Draw: The Four of Wands from the Necronomicon. What is worthy of celebration in your life today? What can you be satisfied at having completed? How will you honor this moment?
I'll be honest. I know nothing about the Necronomicon. I'm not a sci fi or fantasy person. That said, this card shows a beautiful woman in an intimate gaze with a lizard man, while a party goes on around them. They seem to be digging each o...ther.
While customarily picturing a wedding or some other rite, the four of wands isn't a love card, per se. As a wands card, it more specifically speaks to a first stage of success in a creative endeavor.
We often let these moments pass us by as part of the swirl of daily life. But this card is asking you to honor that success in some way. Drink a toast to it. Write about it in a journal. Or just sit in silence and feel it. Don't be too busy or otherwise concerned to let it pass you by unacknowledged.
About six months ago or so, I asked for something to enter my life. And now it seems as though that may be finally happening. It's private and too unformed to mention now, but it's a good thing. One of the standard spreads or card layouts in tarot is called the Celtic Cross and one of the card positions is called "greatest hopes and fears". It never ceases to amaze me how often in my life that my greatest hope is *also* my greatest fear. This is one of those things. But this card asks that we honor these things—and even smaller victories—and not to lose them in the shuffle. So I don't know what I'm going to do, but I do intend to commemorate today's victory in some way. How about you?
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